Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dog playing poker?!@!?

Why do people laugh when they see dog playing poker?? Well, my dog played 21 and kicked our a$$... Ain't that funny??

Thursday, May 7, 2009

awkful day

Final paper is on the 11th.. today already the 8th.. still can't get my study mood.. all people are working hard on this last paper saying "JY till the end"... for me, JY after the end... will have my most worth holiday in UTAR.. because going to have a blast in Perhentian with my classmates.. can't wait till then...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wonderful 2 days with my friends and away from books

Wednesday :
Woke up late again... Played DOTA and get owned kao kao... Played till 4am.. Woke up at 12pm... Kam fei the whole day... Waiting till 5.45pm to go out makan with foundation friends... During that time, DOTA some more lo... guess what, got owned some more... haha... enough of dota crap.. took my bath and get ready... sms peter check where is he... he say be here at 6.45pm... I was like, "6.45???!@@". Sms him back "wasn't it 5.45pm??".. he was like "o ya hor... wrong time... coming..."... blur blur peter... went to his car and on the way to Sri Murni SS2 in PJ... using the Federal Highway.. Jam kao kao... Peter is smart... use all Malaysian like to called it "cucuk" or "chap"... 1 was a good "cucuk" and another was bad "cucuk" and the auntie was not going peter the way out... zzz... finally get out of the mess, got into another mess... Bladdy roundabout in PJ, cut here cut there... In ss2, we got lost mana tu Sri Murni... pusing pusing pusing... In the end, found out it is the opposite side of the road we are in... haha.. parking cost us RM6... Bladdy hell, RM6 and get us a car park under dripping air cond water.. heck.. All this time from my house to the parking, chie kept calling me "where are u?? when are u coming?? bla bla bla..." was dying that time... like kena interogate pulak... got there... other my usual mee raja n mango special.. this john go order some sexy drink called "pink panther"... weird combination of banana, strawberry etc.. weird combination great taste... RECOMMENDED! at the end of the meal,
john : "you know, got such drink called I Love You?"
me : "really?"
john : "try la.... eneh, satu I Love You..."
aneh : "besar atau kecik?"
john : "besar...! (with loud voice)"
moments later, one motherload drink came... combination of sprite,lime, ribena.. etc.. RECOMMENDED.. all was full like crap... funny john was like "i thought u can drink one so i order big.." it was him that order not us... we had to help him finish it... thx john for making us peee the whole night... john and the aneh got love connection all...
john : "thank you ar... I Love You...!"
aneh : "I Love you too..!"
john was blushing so did the aneh... love at first order........ zzz...
after dinner, went to curve to send chie home and played a game of foosball (me and caroline and chie win in handicap) and pool (john feeder)... want to go laundry and drink end up kena fei kei cause RM74 for small 5 heineken bottles (RM7.50 per bottle in 7-11)... zzz expensive siot.. we came to a conclusion to go home and drink and watch ball... following this john back to his hostel and get his stuff... ( john dont want tell what happen in the parking lot in the curve) drove to my house... john yapping "how i want to go back le??".. whole trip like he was a foreigner.. telling me "i know this place.. came here before.." zzz.. slap u... haha... kidding... went to my place.. peter and caroline mandi at their place before coming here.. my dog (bibi) was happy to see fresh meat in the house... licking the shit out of john... haha... he deserve it... waited peter to come, john and i lepak and see bibi licking john... huhu.. nice view.... peter came and brought some heineken (4 big 1 small for caroline... awww)... one sip, john was laughing like hyena.. whole night, he was laughing... noisy like c0ck... went to send caroline back first cause he sing K tmr and MI (malaysian idol) wannabe.. haha... went mcd get some burger for supper and watch ball at home... fcking MU scored 3 in the 1st half... Maybe this season also their season.. haiz.. no fight from Arsenal.. disappointing.. slept at the 2nd half.. hoho... nice...! peter did a stunt that fooled john... sleep while holding his head up... nice...! gacha john.. slept on the sofa... huhu... sakit belakang siot... but this john, slept on my bed curi curi.. bladdy hell...

go steven's corner.. makan wait gayson... then went pool.. guess what john feed again... thx john... went back sleep again.. haha.. tiring MU vs arsenal la.. ready for going Wolverine with Cp, angel, KH, and boon... over slept so went there late... sorry guys... makan with them at Food court but our mind was in Chillies.. too pack dy and little time... Ate tenppayaki... same as Cp... but mine was cheaper RM1 with drink and Cp no drinks... good deal.. kekek... angel came all the way to KLCC and ate mcd... hm.. other 2 dont know what they eat.. hmm... haha... went into cinema buy pop corns.. that also kena bully... eat in toilet while watch my friend pee is wrong?? i watching while eating... zzz... then kena curi pop corn jugak... zzz... double kill... enter cinema... right on time... haha... watch watch watch... boon, KH and angel all curi my pop corn... haiz.... half way into the movie... boon slept with his mouth wide open and looking to the ceiling... cute and wrong... best movie of the year so far and fell asleep... zzzz.. daim... after movie, angel go wolverine on us all... so now it is WolvAngel.. from LRT to my destination... haha... THE END.